How to Prevent Ankle Fracture Complications

A trip, fall, or accident may result in an ankle fracture. These fractures can happen to anyone at any time and at just about any age, and they can cause significant pain and complications if you're not careful.
Seeking prompt medical care and following a recovery regimen is the best way to prevent problems from arising with an ankle fracture. Physical therapy is another excellent option to speed up the healing process and regain functionality in your ankle.
At Sports Medicine Associates of San Antonio, Dr. Marque A. Allen and his team provide expert care and treatments for foot and ankle injuries, including fractures. Dr. Allen is a foot and ankle specialist who guides patients through fractures to ensure proper healing.
What is an ankle fracture?
An ankle fracture happens when bones around the ankle joint break, typically from a traumatic injury. You can break any of the three major bones in the ankle, either one or all of them.
Ankle fractures are unfortunately common and vary in severity. Mild fractures may only require casting and physical therapy. At the same time, more severe injuries could result in surgical repair of the broken bones.
The symptoms of an ankle fracture often come on suddenly when the injury occurs. You may have a broken ankle if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Ankle swelling
- Bruising
- Tenderness to touch
- Severe pain
- Inability to put weight on the ankle
- Deformity or dislocation
- Numbness or cool skin on the ankle
As soon as you notice symptoms of a fracture, stop what you're doing and seek treatment immediately. Failure to get treatment right away could result in further damage to the ankle joint or severe complications.
Ankle fracture complications
An ankle fracture is bad enough, but if you end up with complications, it's even worse. Many issues can arise with an ankle fracture, no matter the severity, and they include the following:
A malunion occurs when the bones heal awkwardly, often in an abnormal position. It is a major complication that can lead to issues with walking or movement in the affected ankle.
A nonunion is another serious complication that occurs when the bones don't heal at all, even after several months to a year. Nonunions are often harder for Dr. Allen to fix and may result in permanent damage to the ankle.
Chronic swelling
Even after the fracture heals, swelling and stiffness can persist for months to years. The best way to avoid chronic swelling and stiffness is to ensure you rehabilitate your ankle properly.
Damage to tendons or nerves
A severe fracture can damage the tissues around the bones, including the tendons, nerves, and blood vessels. These injuries can lead to permanent damage around the ankle joint and issues with movement.
If surgery is necessary to fix your ankle fracture, an infection is a real threat to your health. Looking for redness, warmth, or drainage from the injury is essential in recognizing an infection and preventing further issues.
Tips to prevent fracture complications
The absolute best way to prevent complications from an ankle fracture is to seek immediate treatment. The earlier you come into our office, the sooner you can start a treatment that allows you to heal properly and avoid ankle instability and other complications.
While you wait for an evaluation from Dr. Allen, there are some steps you can take to reduce further injury and keep your ankle from getting worse. Tips to cut down on instability and swelling include:
- Rest the injured ankle
- Ice the ankle to reduce inflammation
- Wrap the ankle with a compression dressing
- Elevate the injury while sitting
- Stop using the injured ankle
Seeing a foot and ankle specialist like Dr. Allen is also essential to recovery, especially after an ankle fracture. He provides customized treatments to ensure the bones heal correctly and reduce complications.
It's also essential to closely follow Dr. Allen's recovery guidelines, allowing the ankle to heal properly. Physical therapy is a vital aspect of a fracture to ensure you regain strength in the ankle and avoid instability and other complications.
To get fast and efficient treatment for an ankle fracture, call one of our offices in the greater San Antonio, Texas, area today or request a consultation on our website.
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